the road is endless
as the mornings stretch
white lines
that now and again
to resemble arrows
where are they taking me?
first past and lastly
passing the gaping
death throes of the raccoon.
staring at me.
eyes frozen on its final gaze
the day runners, night lights
the piep piper leading the flock astray
they are mechanical
hollow but miraculous.
glowing with a stream of light
who are these pesky creatures?
where are they going?
along this infinite black top
what is their purpose?
probably dreaming
as i am dreaming now
my face contorted like his
(cognitive awareness be damned)
like him
i live
i react
i fuck
i fight and scratch and bite
to survive
my fingers are bent from
poorly healed fractures
my knuckles shake like
marbles in a bottle
when i get so fed up
when i get so goddamn tired
with everything before me
what is this?
did we actually build a reality such as this?
this is progress?
this is our evolution?
our hum and buzz
must have pursued this
poor creature, like a fly
that climbs on the stye
of his silent, dormant eyes
the death knell resounding
resonating in his hollow chamber of a chest
and the same marbles rumbling through
black tarry lungs
the same tar that adheres to the sticky
copper hue of dried blood
on its eerie grin
it laughs at death
it condemns this fuck of a world
where constructions like
this are possible
in all its complexities
insecurities are
mechanical wet dreams
writhing alone in bed
& dont we feel
as fantasies?
some sort of drip of cotton candy?
we a virus
or disease
about a cerebral cortex
its a vortex that
must have formed
with a massive crash
with a clash and slam of a car
that damns
rodents to a automotive
bones and body parts
becoming dust
one patched tire at a time
amongst the crush of the
bristles of the hardended
brush of another truck
trying to wash
away the grins
while the dim of the skylight
mixes with the sin
of the street lights
i notice the neighboring car
i examine
the fright on the faces of its children
marveling and goggling
as they pass
the gruesome scene
where it lives forever
in their dreams
the hollow chamber
of memories
out of context
with fatigue
& in my swollen lips
& as i utter this mix
the phrases i mutter
into the mp3
in order to
this confession
a document of the disorder of a malady
only experienced
since we rose up
on two feet from
the face of the
curious chimpanzee
& at some point
he and she
began to speak
like me
a voice echoing
in a hollow
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